Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Color Your Way To Success

Some in network marketing attract prospects with little to no effort at all. It's like they know something others don't, some sort of prospecting secret. What do you suppose it is?

It's the greatest secret that's always been right in front of you. The secret is the power of the colors technology. A simple color coded chart shows the basics about all personalities so anyone can build relationships fast.

Make Your Own Color Personality Chart

1. On a piece of paper draw a vertical line down the center from top to bottom.
2. Draw a horizontal line along the center from left to right.
3. In the top margin in the center write the word “Open”, and at the bottom margin at the opposite end write “Self-Contained”.
4. In the left margin in the center write “Indirect”, and on the opposite side write “Direct”.

The Colors Quadrants

1. In the top-left square write “Yellow 35%”.
2. In the top right square write “Blue 15%".
3. In the bottom-left square write “Green 35%”.
4. In the bottom-right square write “Red 15%”.

There you have it, the four color personality types each with its two main characteristics. Now you can quickly identify them by asking two quick questions:

1. "Is he open, or self-contained?"
"Is she direct, or indirect?

Some Clarifying Definitions

1. "Open" & "Self-Contained" - These terms refer to emotional responses during conversation.
2. "Direct" & "Indirect" - These terms refer to how people deliver information during conversation.

This simple, yet powerful business building tool can create a shift in your network marketing career from frustration & failure to someone who attracts others at will. It’s like having a crystal ball. When you understand how the color personality technology works you can become a camelion, build a relationship with anyone you want, and have an ethical advantage over the slam-bam recruiters out there.

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore

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