Thursday, March 6, 2008

"Trust Me"

In my post, "MLM Golden Goose ... Or Mud Duck?", I outlined the 5 Pillars for Success. One of the worst failings among network marketers is not doing their due diligence on this point. You are headed for a train wreck in your business if pillar 1 is missing.

Pillar #1: Company Management Experience With Integrity

To see if pillar #1 is in place do a Google search of the officers and master distributor. Here are the things you must look for

1. Have they ever built a successful network marketing business before? If not, then they don’t understand or respect what you go through to build that business
2. Has the FTC ever prosecuted any of these leaders? If so, then chances are they’ve just moved to a new play ground and are looking for new playmates to foist their old habits upon.
3. Is the company publicly traded? If so, then the company’s priority of allegiance puts you at the bottom of the list.

Ah, the power of "The Google".

Google can tell you if the company officers and master distributor have practical MLM industry experience. This experience, or lack of it, will tell you if the leaders of the company understand the reps' position and needs, and where their allegiance lies. This requires a bit of digging, but the insights it reveals into the minds and character of the company leaders are priceless.

No Company Is Perfect

It is true there is no Adonis MLM company. However, if you find any red flags and you still want to become a rep with that company, then you should do some more investigation before making a final decision. It could save you years of failure and frustration.

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore

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