Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"OK kid ... but can these puppies recruit?"

One day in June a young girl’s dog had a litter of puppies. The girl decided to find homes for these puppies while making a buck. At the first door she said, “Sir, these are fortune 500 puppies, and they’re going for $2 each. ”Just before closing the door in the kid’s face the man groused, “Their eyes aren’t even open yet, what would I want with any of these?”

Two Months Later …

The same girl came back to the same house with the same puppies. The man said smugly, “Still trying to sell the same puppies?” The girl confidently proclaimed, “No, they’ve changed. So now they’re going for $200.”

Apoplectic, the man blurted out, “WHAT? What has changed? Why has the price jumped so much in just 2 months?”The young entrepreneur smiled victoriously and asserted, “Now that their eyes are open they’ve become network marketing puppies.”

Open your eyes to your potential.

When you see what really works in MLM and you believe in yourself, then you determin your net worth.

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore

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