Sunday, March 30, 2008

Do You Have A Compass For MLM Success?

Explorers throughout the centuries have prized a reliable compass as an essential component of required gear. They know all their other gear can do little to assure their survival without that simple tool that will help keep them on course.

The 5th Pillar for Success, a simple system for duplication, will help you and your team remain on course so you can work efficiently and effectively to create long-term wealth.

All the sales, recruiting, and closing techniques in the world are absolutely worthless if they are not backed up by a system for success anyone can use. Why? Because people are not duplicatable, only systems are duplicatable.

Here are the 7 components of a predictable success system.

  1. Affordable Price Point - people should not go broke using your system
  2. A Personal Data Base manager - to organize your list
  3. A Personal Contact Manager - to message part or all of your list
  4. Self-Branding Capture Page With A Free Offer - valuable freebies attract the attention of targeted leads
  5. A Personal Email Address - useful in many ways
  6. Free Skills Training - no one should go broke learning success skills
  7. A Team Web Site - a step-by-step action plan

People are not duplicatable. Only systems are duplicatable. In order for you to have long-term success in your network marketing career you must have a MLM success system that duplicates. An affordable system to track all your data & maintain contact with your prospects, which brands you as the “Go-To” person, and provides a team website for training throughout their whole learning curve, is a very duplicatable system.

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore

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