How do I set myself apart from the MLM crowd? I tell the TRUTH! Truth #1: Network marketing is all about YOU! It is NOT about products, comp plans, selling, recruiting, etcetera ... it is is about YOU!
Well here we are, at the end of 2008 & standing on the edge of 2009. This is the time people start making their new years resolutions. Ever ask yourself why people rarely keep those promises they make to themselves? Perhaps it's because they don't have a realistic set of goal setting guidelines to see them through to success.
Recently Tom "Big Al" Schreiter conducted a training session about setting goals. Tom pointed out there are a lot of really good goals out there just going to waste. One reason most folks don't achieve their goal is they're working against their subconscious mind.
Here's the puzzle.
The subconscious mind is the freight train that drives us to achievement. It serves to protect us from harm by reminding us of failures, unpleasant experiences, & events that were hazardous. We need our subconscious mind to survive.
All of us need sleep, but our subconscious minds don't. On the other hand, our subconscious minds work on our challenges 24/7/365. That means the subconscious leads the way in effecting change in our lives. Finally, our subconscious throws a stick into the spokes of anything it sees as "a threatening move toward change"
So, we need our subconscious minds to reach our goals, but convincing it to go against its better judgment is a recipe for failure. So what do we do? How do we achieve our resolutions?
Harness this awesome power with "Big Al's" 3-step system!
1. Write it down - A written goal that is reviewed often works on the subconscious, but make it attainable. There's no surer path to failure than picking something your subconcious believes you can't achieve. 2. Lose the carrot - Your subconscious wants to protect you from the unpleasant … even though you consciously want to make a good change. Instead, pick a penalty that you would never think of doing for any reason as punishment for failure. This harnesses your subconscious minds need to protect you from the unpleasant. 3. Advertise - Where's the risk if you just do #1 & #2, but you don't tell anyone about it. This gives you others to be accountable to. Accountability to others is another way of keeping the goal in front of your security-minded subconscious.
Whether you're making a New Year's resolution to lose weight, or you've decided to tackle that big project you've been putting off until Spring Break, you need a realistic plan. When you have a plan backed up by a set of realistic goal setting guidelines you can harness the unstoppable power of your subconscious mind to attain any goal you desire.
I am a strong believer in learning how to avoid mistakes before they destroy your dreams. That is why I became a part of the Mentoring For Free team. Among other things, MFF teaches a 5 point system called "The 5 Pillars" designed to help people with finding a good MLM. The pillars training has saved thousands of hard working people like you millions of dollars by teaching them what scams & unethical network marketing companies look like & how they operate.
For decades few have understood why this industry has continued to be filled with criminal activity that goes unchecked while average folks are swindled out of countless millions of dollars.
About 12 years ago Michael Dlouhy, founder of the MFF system, asked the Florida District Attorney why so many companies run their scams & yet the Feds do nothing. You might be surprised at the answer.
Most people get into network marketing to build a walk-away income. However, finding a good MLM can be tricky. There are some companies that believe you deserve an even chance at that dream, while others aren't so upstanding. So it's up to you to know how to separate the good from the bad.
let's do a little review. The blues, who are only 15% of the world's population, & yet make up 90% of the people in MLM like new & exciting things. Unfortunately, they lose interest when their excitement meter stops tilting.
• Blues who are just paying the monthly product fee will love this comp plan because they can goof off & still get a check. However, blues who are building will quickly lose interest in this pay plan because they'll be paid far less than they expected. That's not the excitement blues want.
Yellows, who make up 35% of the population, are analytical folk. Some of them will see the holes in this comp plan & avoid it. Therefor, many of these people will not be prospects. Never the less, yellows are still drawn to matices because they allow the team player to place people under people.
• The yellows who do join will quickly realize this comp plan will impair their ability to help many of their team members. On top of this the yellow's efforts will not be rewarded according to the actual level of profit they are making for the company. These awesome nurturing team players will get beat-up & blame all of this on themselves.
Greens are also analytical like the yellows, & they also make up 35% of the population. Generally, greens spot the weaknesses in a comp plan & simply move on. However, these folks have a weakness for tools & gadgets. For this reason a few greens will join, but mostly for the product.
• Since the few greens that do join will do so for their love of the product they will not be prepared for the crummy monthly income. After a protracted period of lack luster income they'll start looking for another company to build an income … but they'll keep the product.
Reds, just like the blues, make up 15% of the population. For them there are only two important things in life: money & their egos. In order to get these folks excited they have to either be making mega-bucks, or be in charge, or both. • Most reds don't even consider a matrix. They hate spill over & plans that don't pay to infinite levels of depth. Reds see this as robbing them of income they earned. However, a few reds will recognize the value of a comp plan that only pays the owner a residual income. For this reason I expect to see a few variations on this type of matrix, or the same one applied to a different company & product line.
The bottom line is that Mr. Andrews' new style matrix will destroy the dreams of those who join. The owners of companies who use this kind of comp plan will be the only ones who make any real money. And, more than likely, when the company fails the owner will sell the list he is building for a huge profit.
Perhaps the magic pulsating matrix is a well-intentioned effort to help those who like matrices. Or maybe it's just a list bulding tool. For my money However if a fair comp plan is what you're looking for, then I suggest you look for one that rewards reps for moving product to the consumer. They're out there.
In part 3 of this series I looked at how the magic pulsating matrix would work, or rather not work, for a green. Since greens won't do much better than the blues or yellows the question is: Is there hope for anyone with Mr. Andrews' modified matrix?
Absolutely … but not the way you're thinking.
What does that mean?
Well, the only other people left are the reds. The very few reds that will even look at this matrix will make their own kind of fortune with it.
Here's what I'm getting at.
Let's say Bob is a red personality type. Reds usually don't even bother with a matrix because it won't pay residual income past the final level. Plus, reds don't like "welfare minded" comp plans that offer "spill over" like a matrix. Reds believe if you're going to be paid, it should be for building your own downline… not because your upline did it for you. Besides, why should someone else be paid for Bob's work?
All the other folks will try to make Mr. Andrews' comp plan work for them & their team members. That's because they all think very differently than people like Bob.
In Bob's mind his team works for him. That's because it's all about Bob & his money. In order to get Bob's attention he's got to see the money. So that's all he'll look at. He's a money sniffing hound.
Bob will see immediately that the only one who is making a consistent, growing income with this revolutionary new comp plan is Mr. Andrews himself. Bob decides the people joining this company are suckers & losers.
(Hey, these are Bob's thoughts, not mine!)
Anyway, Bob loves it! It's brilliant! This plan was tailor made for Bob … as the company owner.
Bob is too smart to be sucked into a pay plan that doesn't pay him what he's worth & then turns around & gives the money he earned to "suckers" & "losers". However, Bob knows there will always be people to be taken advantage of. So why shouldn't they be taken by Bob?
So Bob will benefit from the pay plan Mr. Andrews created … with Bob at the head of his own company with his own version of this new matrix.
Very few network marketers will make the kind of "walk away income" they got into the industry to create. Besides Mr. Andrews, only a handful of hard-driving, money centric ego maniacs will benefit from Mr. Andrews' idea. Sadly, the way that will happen is those same ego maniacs will create their own version & destroy even more people's dreams.
If the short comings of the magic pulsating matrix noted in this series don't worry you, then go for it. If you value your time & sanity, then I suggest you look for a company that has a comp plan designed to reward everyone for the work they do, There are a few out there.
In my previous post I predicted how the yellows would do in Mr. Andrews' alternative magic pulsating matrix format. I'm afraid these gentle folk, who love to help others, will end up in need of help themselves.
OK, now that you know what Mr. Andrews thinks let's see how Gina, a green personality type, feels about this comp plan.
One day Gina is introduced to this company with its new style matrix compensation plan. Gina plows through all the hype & focuses on the product because tools are very important to building a business. The price is good & it enhances the functionakuty of Skype.
After Gina finishes analyzing the information she decides to buy the software & become a rep. It sounds like this is a great tool, & there's also money to be made sharing it with others. Gina is satisfied she's made a good choice.
Since Gina is a green she's no "quitter". In her earlier analysis she spotted the pitfalls of the second & third pulses, but she figured she'd give it at least 6 months to see if it would work for her.
After nine months of this pulsating madness Gina is struggling to convince herself that the product justifies being a rep, because it's so great. Gina is not one to openly admit defeat. Even so, she knows she is losing 80% of her income potential to the comp plan.
Gina's been tracking her results, & according to the statistics, no matter how many people she sponsors she'll continue to get paid only 20% of what her efforts are really worth. That really bugs her.
One year out from her start date Gina's beginning to look around for another MLM business. She loves the Message Magic Software she bought, but she needs to find a company with a comp plan that'll pay her true residuals.
Gina bought this awesome software because that's what greens do, fall in love with the product. Gina hoped the magic pulsating matrix would work for her, but it turned out to be a flop. Ultimately, Gina felt frustrated because she spent so much time & effort in vain. There are companies that value people like Gina, & they prove it by paying them what they're worth. Maybe Gina will find such a company someday.
If you read my post about how the yellows> I think, you'll see the prognosis isn't much better for them.
The best way I know to illustrate this is with a story.
One day Dan joins this company. Dan, being yellow, needs to help his team build & he loves being able to put people under people. Dan was attracted to this comp plan for these reasons. Dan & some other yellows even like the idea of putting the last first during pulse #2 & #3 … then their builders see their incomes drop like rocks during those pulses.
What do you think Dan's team does when their checks plummet 20 days out of every 30? Some just quit,. Some call Dan up to ask him what happened. Even though none of Dan's team gets mad, Dan's nurturing side takes this personally. means Dan becomes frustrated & unhappy very quickly.
On top of this, being analytical, Dan wracks his brain trying to fix this problem. Sadly, Dan finds no solution to help his team.
Ultimately, without some change in the comp plan to alleviate that 80% annual income drop, relative to what pulse #1 pays, Dan finds no solution. Team members drop out like flies … & Dan blames it all on himself.
This is the kiss of death for Dan. He believes he failed his team. Worse yet, because Dan has made the company a lot of money they let him carry that guilt. Dan is devastated.
I've seen this before. It happens all the time. No distributors are at fault in this scenario. The prospects & reps simply don't know that the company sets people up for failure from the start.
The magic pulsating matrix is no exception. The company designed it so they would be the only ones receiving a consistently building income. No comp plan is perfect, but some companies have worked hard to create a fair comp plan. If you're like Dan I suggest you save yourself the pain & look for one of those companies.
There's a new matrix compensation plan on the scene, & it's got a lot of people really excited. In a recent recorded interview with Kathy Hamilton, Grant Andrews, the owner & creator of Message Magic Software introduces his marketing engine of choice. Mr. Andrews calls it a "Pulsating Matrix". So is this the silver bullet for a successful matrix comp plan?
1. Income Ceiling: a full matrix can not pay residual income beyond the last full position. 2. Dead Beats: reps who count on spill-over to make money, without sponsoring. 3. Low Retention: an inability to sponsor causes many to view the membership fee as a financial drain, so they quit.
These are some serious problems & Mr. Andrews' desire to eliminate them is admirable. However, I believe this comp plan adds new issues to the mix that will make this comp plan even less attractive than a traditional matrix. Here are some of my first prediction about this comp plan & the future of this company.
How does this new matrix solve the old problems? Is it the answer to all the woes of a matrix? For the answer to the first question listen to the interview & click on "Lazzeosangel" mentioned above. As for the second question, well the way I see it this is another way of taking from the rich & giving to the poor.
I predict this new style matrix will create several new challenges. Here's the first one.
The New Puppy Syndrome
The company will be populated mostly by Blues who are excited by anything new & shinny. These adrenaline junkies will create a huge growth bubble, until they realize this comp plan will not help them build really big. The second & third "pulses" will slam their enthusiasm & their businesses into the dirt like a grounder at Candle Stick Park. There'll be no home run with this one.
This will be the kiss of death for these people.
Of course, the single most glaring issue for new reps is their timing in the company. With barely 2 ½ months since implementation of this new comp plan this company is no where near having shaken out all the wrinkles. The problem here is that along the way to smooth operations this company is very likely to leave a huge pile of bodies behind.
There are a few companies out there that have worked out the kinks, stood the test of time, & developed a fair & equitable compensation plan. Is this company with its new magic pulsating matrix one of them? Only time will tell. Perhaps a better question to ask yourself is, "Do I want to be the next guinea pig?
Michael Dlouhy, the master of instant relationships, finished the 2008 half of the tour strong in Florida. Just like the postal carrier's creed "neither wind, nor rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night shall stay these couriers from their appointed rounds." It isn't the Energizer battery that keeps Michael going. It's passion. Michael is passionate about sharing what really creates success & standing by you until you really get it & stand on your own.
Here's what two of our team members have to say about Michael's final push of the year.
St. Petersburg, FL
"We are blessed to have such an amazing team of leaders! Michael has really gone out of the way to offer this tour."
"We had a small but amazing group of 10 guests that attended. This time of year with sickness and parties, we still had an awesome bunch of people."
"Nearing the end of this fabulous tour, and despite the hoarse voice Michael captured the audience, with his energy and passion for this industry."
"After the meeting the guests were visiting with each other and talking to Michael and Don. Quite a bit of buzz was going on till we had to leave the restaurant."
"I want to thank everyone that invited guests to the St. Pete event to make it such an success!" - Susan Higley
Tampa, FL
"The Tampa Tour event was amazing. We had a small room and it was packed."
"Michael did an awesome job explaining the colors but especially the 5 Pillars."
"You should have seen the faces of all 16 guests when Michael started reading some P&P's."
"We had the pleasure of having Linda Dlouhy, Don Standard and other wonderful team members with us."
"Thank you Michael, Linda and Don Standard for everything you do." - Michel Laliberte
Michael has spent the past 30 years developing the skills he has been teaching at these events for FREE so that folks like you can learn to build instant relationships without the expense & frustrations he experienced. If you've missed the 2008 half of this breath taking event don't worry. A new list of cities will be announced soon. Why not register in advance so you can secure a seat now.
At one point or another everyone comes across problem prospects. These are the kind of folks who've already made up their minds that MLM is "a scam", "something only the people at the top make money at", etc. So how can you break through that brick wall?
Well, let's look at that question. Why are these people so convinced that looking at your business isn't worth the time, even if there is a fat check in it for them?
Basically, network marketing is just another name for what everyone is already doing. Everyone buys products or services and then tells others about it. However, how many non-network marketers are picking up a check for doing what they have always done?
The logical conclusion is these folks are uneducated. And the best way I know to educate anyone is by telling a story.
I use to live in Washington where there were many Haggin's Grocery stores. Haggin's offered a discount card to anyone who wanted one. Let's say I buy bread, lunch meat, & mayonnaise without using the discount card. George, on the other hand, buys the same items with that discount card. Let's say both of us continue to buy the same items all year. We'll both be in sandwiches for a year, but at the end of that time George can use his accumulated store credits to go to Disney Land!
That's how network marketing works. Both of us recommend things we like, but some folks get a check while others don't. It would be great if that were all there is to network marketing … but it doesn't stop there.
Now let's say George tells me about the money he saved by using this card & I start using it too. So now I'm getting discount points & George is getting an even bigger discount. George gets a bonus discount every time I buy using my discount card, & he is still getting his own discount. Now George will be wearing Mickey Mouse ears even sooner.
Haggin's Market gives bonus points, but a network marketing company gives you cash.
Most of these "stubborn prospects" just don't realize they've been doing what network marketers do without picking up the check. A simple story these folks can relate to will help them realize network marketing is easy, everyone does it all the time, & it's nothing more than recommending others to what we like.
Most of us have been told, "instant relationships don't work, so don't try it." There is, however, an exception to this rule.
As you will see from Richard Dennis' account, the Monticello event host, people do not come to this "one stop light town" for it's night life. So, why would 15 guests show up on such a crummy night in such a place? Only friends would do that.
Monticello, FL
"It was a dark and stormy night. Would anybody venture out to the Freedom Tour Event at the Monticello Chamber of Commerce?"
"They did."
"Twenty-five bodies together in one place is pretty much big news in Monticello. Thanks so much to Michael Dlouhy for giving a great presentation. Almost everyone stayed to the end, and then Michael led a good group to the Huddle House afterwards."
(Hey! Not much open in Monticello after 10 pm!)
"Lots of relationships were built. Thanks to everybody who participated." - Richard Dennis
There you go. 25 people in an otherwise unknown rural Florida town on a less than pleasant night made several new friends ... literally over night! That is the kind of training Michael offers ... for free.
You should always listen to good advice, and my advice is you should attend one of these instant relationships building events. To find an event and make some new friends CLICK HERE now … it's FREE!
They say people in Texas like to do things bigger and better. Michael Dlouhy and a host of special speakers at the event in Houston proved they can share their secret success strategies in true Lone Star style. Here's what the host of this event had to say.
"The Houston Freedom Tour was held on December 8. 24 guests attended with 13 team members, David Bertrand, Tom Mitcham, and Keith Schreiter."
"Michael Dlouhy had the guests nodding, shaking their heads in amazement and laughing as Michael pegged their personalities. Many of them talked about how much they enjoyed this portion of the presentation. What really amazed me was how they all leaned forward as Michael explained the 5 Pillars. It was awesome to see so many of them get it!"
"Thanks to Michael for a wonderful training, to Don Standard for organizing, Keith Schreiter for sharing the Freedon Magazine and to David Bertrand for sharing his, Tom Schreiter's, and Jana Mitcham's vision." - Rob Heinly
At the end of the meeting all guests that attended were ready to hear more about Mentoring for Free and to move the truth from their heads to their hearts.
If you have a dream as big as Texas and you are ready to take the truth to heart, then you need to lasso Michael's secret success strategies before the tour is over. To find an event near you and rustle up a seat CLICK HERE
There is many a "guru" out there that claims to have the market cornered on building relationships. Michael Dlouhy, on the other hand has distilled the science of building relationships into a simple system anyone can duplicate. The Freedom Tour event in Minneapolis, MN was a shining example of how deftly Michael wields the craft he has freely taught so many over the past 5 years.
Minneapolis Minnesota
"The Minneapolis event was packed, around 80 people were there, and Michael fed off of the energy being put out by people in the room. Most of the attendees were on the edge of their seats and nodding in agreement with everything Michael had to say. Some people were just flat out stunned with the information Michael presented to them. It was really sinking in as to why they were not being successful in their company."
"Talking to people after the event over and over the same things were said, 'this was really good stuff, this event was amazing.' One guest sent this comment: 'It was a valuable learning experience and a blessing to meet Michael Dlouhy and the organizers.' Many people thanked us for hosting the event and allowing them to attend, and wanted to know if we could do this type of event for their teams."
"Most people stayed after the break, and a few even went for pizza after the event. It was a perfect opportunity for many team members to spend time talking with Michael and the group. This event was definitely huge for the growth of those in attendance; some people even drove 4-hours to attend the event." - Doug & Kathy Karnuth
For some building life-long relationships, so critical to success in all aspects of life, comes naturally. For others this is a struggle. That is why Michael is teaching the techniques of the science of building relationships to anyone who wants to learn … absolutely FREE. To end your struggle find an event near you and Register NOW!
Have you ever felt there must be some special formula known only to a select few that opens doors wherever they go? Secret success strategies so closely guarded that the Secret Service, Musad, and MI-5 would all be impressed? If you had, you'd be right … and now Michael Dlouhy is revealing those secrets in his whirlwind Freedom Tour.
Here is just some of the buzz about this life-changing event.
Tulsa, OK
"The meeting went off as planned and was a great success, thanks to Michael Dlouhy and Keith Schreiter. I thank you for letting me be apart of this amazing Journey. Everyone really got warmed up with Michael on the colors demonstration and the looks people had during the 5 pillars. No doubt, some policies and procedures got read last night."
"Thanks to all who sent people to this event. It really made it special."
"Thanks again for everybody's support and especially to Michael and Keith for coming to Tulsa." - Sue Blaylock
Dallas, TX
"The Freedom Tour was awesome! The event was a success! Michael and Keith are a dynamic duo! "
"The people that accepted invitations to this event were serious and hungry for the truth. Michael and Keith delivered. Everyone stayed for the entire 3 hours and one guest even went to breakfast with us."
"This is a must attend event. A special thank you to the team members in attendance for working together to make this event possible."
"Thanks to everyone that is working hard to get people to this event, and the ongoing success of the Freedom Tour." - Ruth Bradford
Sioux Falls, ND
"Michael weaved his magic to a nice group in Sioux Falls. Guests were amazed at his accuracy in identifying their personality colors. Heads nodded in agreement as he shared techniques to use when talking to the different color types."
"Eyes were opened and gasps of shock/disbelief were heard as he read clauses from several unnamed company P&P's. A couple guests said they'd be reading their contracts when they returned home!"
"David Bertrand concluded the evening saying we have a 'Secret Weapon', that is, we have Michael Dlouhy and Mentoring for Free."
"Christmas Blessings to all!" - Janet Hanson
Whether you are looking for help building a MLM business or you just want to understand other people better, Michael's secret success strategies will help you attain your goals. To find an event near you and register for FREE visit the Freedom Tour site now.
Recently I was reading a blog post by my good friend Roxanne Green titled,"Manifesting Gloves?" What a simple example about the principal of manifesting success.
Many people pooh-pooh the very notion of manifestation, or "speaking/thinking things into existence" as mere coincidence. I was once one of them … until I thought my own future into existence.
I met my wife in 1983 & was instantly enamored with her. She did NOT reciprocate. Nonetheless, I maintained my impassioned thoughts & prayerful belief that Charlotte would one day say, "Yes", until one day in 1998 we took our wedding vows. My persistent, impassioned thoughts manifested our mutual love for one another. Sure, in my story it took much longer for me to get what I wanted than it did for Mr. Green to get what he wanted … but there is one thing both of us had in common. Both of us kept telling ourselves exactly what we wanted with great passion.
And it really IS that simple. A definite thought held in the mind, coupled with the passionate desire to bring that thought into existence is all there is to it. In Mr. Green's case it is obvious that believing gloves would come to him by following these steps is not necessary. On the other hand, as in my story, coupling strong desire with passion & the belief that the object will come to you is proof that belief can manifest success … even "the impossible". Thanks Roxanne for reminding me of this awesome power we all possess inside. I appreciate you, Bill Tessore
The Freedom Tour has been quite a success in Canada. Recently author, coach, & mentor Michael Dlouhy brought the success principals that have made him a leader in network marketing training & the industry to Winnipeg. According to hostess Cindy Loewen the folks there soaked it all in and still couldn't get enough.
"It's been a week since Michael Dlouhy and Doug Karnuth spent the day with me and my family... I had a most fantastic day. Michael did a 3way coaching call for me from my desk...and will meet the prospect at the Tulsa, Oklahoma event."
"The Event itself was awesome...having Doug there to help along was great ... Michael Dlouhy did an amazing job as usual with the color training, 5 pillars, and teaching people how important it was to read their policies and procedures.. He also told them about the mental cleanse calls as well as how you have to become more in order to make more, etc."
"When Michael announced there would be a break for 10 minutes and we'd continue all 32 guests actually stayed. Rey couldn't believe it how these people sat right through 3 hours of training."
"Thank you to the team members who had guests attend this event, Thank you Michael and thank you Doug for coming to Winnipeg." - Cindy Loewen
As you can see the network marketing training Michael offers is the kind of stuff that people committed to building their dreams are clamoring for. If you'd like to ease your load & get an ethical advantage over the rest of the crowd, then you need to register to attend the Freedom Tour '08/'09.
One critical factor in figuring your business' bottom-line is your awareness of current trends in home business taxes. Unless you were living in a cave in 2008 you know gas prices rose frighteningly. But did you know that even Congress found this trend so alarming that they took action to help small business owners keep moving down the road?
Yep! In fact back in the middle of 2008 the IRS in its infinite wisdom threw a monkey wrench into the neat system, designed to make figuring the Standard Vehicle Tax Deduction simple, by bumping the per mile rate up a bit for 3 of the 4 categories. For those of you who had to figure that out, Congress has generously chosen to simplify next year's SMR by reducing some of those tax deduction rates and fixing them for the entirety of 2009.
Aren't you glad Congress cares so much?
The chart below illustrates the "Standard Mileage Rate" (SMR) for both halves of 2008 alongside the new 2009 rates the IRS will be announcing soon.
SMR Category
Jan. - Jun. '08 per ml.
Jul. - Dec. '08 per ml.
2009 per ml.
Interesting how the medical category went up. Maybe that's part of a new "health care" package. I love it when Congress shows decides to help. When asked why Congress reduced the business and moving categories they said, "The new rates factor in the recent reversal of rising gas prices". Oh, I get it … we don't really need that much tax relief after all.
In light of this new trend in Congressional "tax incentives", tax payers like yourself may want to consider the alternative "Actual Operating Cost" option. You may want to keep track of your percentage of actual business related automobile use in 2009 … just incase next year is not as rosy as Congress seems to think it will be.
The information in my new FREE Report, "How Anyone Can Increase Tax Deductions By Thousands"> will help you learn to maximize your home business taxes Big Time. If you need start-up funding for a new business, especially if you think you can’t afford one, then you need the information in this free report.
7 guests were in attendance at the Fargo, North Dakota Freedom Tour November 23, 2008 event. While this might seem like a small turnout, the fact is this is not a numbers game. As my good friend, coach, & mentor Michael Dlouhy always says, "network marketing is not about the numbers, it's about you!
Here's what one of the attendees had to say about the Fargo, North Dakota Freedom Tour event.
"Michael Dlouhy spoke miles and miles of good sense on a chilly Sunday night in Fargo, ND. The attendees took notice and really paid attention. He was witty, charming, but all and all he was just Michael. Michael doesn’t hide the truth, he doesn’t beat around any bushes he tells it how it is."
"He has been there done that when it comes to network marketing. He knows all he is talking about and can prove everything he talks about is truth. That there separates him from all the rest."
"I believe most seminars you go to pressure you into joining this company buying their product … not here, not with Michael. What the people at the seminar noticed most of all was their was no pressure."
"Don't miss this opportunity. This will change your life, if you let it!" - Rhonda Wudarczyk
Network marketing is a great opportunity for those who really want to work hard & earn the American dream to own their life. See where the Freedom Tour will be taking Michael next, & reserve a seat for yourself.
Fifty plus years of frustration brought on by the misinformation of a few unscrupulous people has created a bitter taste in the mouths of many people when it comes to the network marketing side of the home based business world. That is why Michael Dlouhy, after spending the past 5 years developing his relationship building system called Mentoring For Free is now taking it on the road.
Listen to these networkers describe how POWERFUL LOVE is from their Mentor to help them overcome their inner obstacles and GROW into true leadership. This is what Michael is doing to rebuild the good name of MLM.
We were at the NY City Freedom Tour.
"During the Freedom Tour, David Bertrand expressed FOUR CORE VALUES OF INTEGRITY IN NETWORK MARKETING":
1. LOVE People 2. Worth of Each Individual 3. Freedom - Financial and Otherwise 4. EQUALITY of everyone.
"Michael did an absolutely amazing job at presenting the colors. We hear him on the phone, but SEEING him present - with facial expressions and audience interaction - takes the training - and our appreciation of it - to a whole new level."
"He truly is a master presenter... and believe me... I have seen the very best of 'em out there. We are lucky to have our very own Michael doing this presenting for us and our special guests."
"When Michael was explaining the 5 Pillars - well --- you can SEE the looks of determined enlightening understanding spreading across the faces of the audience members. WHO ELSE, but Michael Dlouhy is awakening our industry to the value of comprehending the contractual side of our industry ... BEFORE you sign ANY contracts. Thank you, Michael!"
"As if all that weren't enough, David Bertrand then did a heart-rending presentation of the 4 Core Values of our company, and we got a chance to experience the wonderful yellow good-nature of Mr. Bertrand." - Pat Crosby
The Freedom Tour Was A Hit On Broadway!!
"The show did go on. And what a show it was! Michael was his usual brilliant self and he wowed the audience. And David Bertrand was a great closing act."
"A total of 29 guests were in attendance."
"I appreciate you all and am very proud to be associated with each and every one of you." Tony Lauria
In keeping with the theme of the old song "New York, New York" Michael Dlouhy is proving that "you can make it anywhere" by spreading his message of individual value through relationship training. If you would like to trade the old "numbers game" for a proven duplicatable system based on your value, then you should attend the Freedom Tour '08/'09.
People everywhere are searching for valuable, "real" MLM success training & that is what they're finding when they attend the Freedom Tour. In my last post "MLM Success Training - Freedom Tour '08/'09" I shared the reactions of the people who attended this life-changing event in Toronto, Canada. Now let's take a look at the reaction when Michael Dloughy, & Tom "Big Al" Schrieter brought the Freedom Tour to Montreal.
From the road with Marcello Lisi - Montreal, Canada
Tom "Big Al" Schrieter, Roxanne Green, Michael, & Michael Dlouhy
Here is what I and Everyone that was present are saying about the Freedom Tour in Montreal:
One Word: “AWESOME” Having Michael Dlouhy do a LIVE IN PERSON presentation of the “Colors Personality” and the “5 Pillars” is truly an incredible experience. For me personally having had the time to sit with Michael for 3 days and pick his brains has given me such a stronger Appreciation for Mentoring For Free and the “5 Pillars”. Michael is a true Mentor with a Servant’s heart and wants the best for everyone. The reaction from our Guests was none other than “Incredible”, everyone walked away with so much great information and expressed their gratitude for the opportunity we gave them with the Freedom Tour to learn about Network Marketing in a way most of them were not aware of. gd Tom “Big Al” was “BIG AL” and everyone loved what he shared about this wonderful industry. The atmosphere in the room after the event came to a conclusion was none other than “WOW!” Tom & Michael took their time with all who approached them asking questions and to watch them easily, effortlessly and whole heartedly answer all their questions without any agenda was truly amazing and inspiring. I have had several guests, which I & my team invited, call me back and request that we meet face to face to discuss further about my company and they are all very serious about building a Network Marketing business with a “5 Pillars” company. How exciting is that! The Freedom Tour is truly an opportunity for everyone to explode their business not only locally but around the country and Michael along with Tom, David, Keith and Art share the same vision. Everybody knows that it is to build a community of Servitude and Cooperation.
Christian, Komla, Michael We are blessed to be part of such an incredible business and company. Everybody knows that with this leadership and system the way has been paved for us to succeed. All we have to do is take action and most people want what we have, we just have to share the story and that’s easy. To Your Success, Marcello Lisi “Live your Dreams and Enjoy Life” ---------------- With the right approach (being a mentor with a servant's heart) Michael Dlohy is bringing the MLM success training people are starving for to communities across North America. Take advantage of this once in a life-time event by visiting the Freedom Tour '08/'09 site today & registering to reserve your seat. But don't delay, seats are filling up fast & Michael is keeping a blistering pace - he'll only be in a town near you for one night.
When it comes to MLM success training Michael Dlouhy's MentoringForFree system can't be beat. That is why there is such a buzz going on about Michael's Freedom Tour '08/'09. After 5 years teaching these life-changing skills by conference call & internet Michael has now taken the show on the road.
Here's what my good friend Michael Dlouhy, main speaker, success coach, & mentor has to say about the Freedom Tour '08/'09:
Michael Dlouhy speaking before a riveted room of guests
"The 41 city Freedom Tour is impacting everyone that attends the event because they find the "Truth" on Why their lack of Success in this industry is NOT their fault."
"They are Perfect to do this business just the way they are."
"When the seminar ends, people don't want to leave the room."
"There is Magic in the room, an Energy of the Truth You can feel like Starving people getting food for the First time in a long, long, long time, they cannot get enough to eat." - Michael Dlouhy
Now take a look at what some of the attendees are saying:
"At the Freedom Tour in New Hampshire we had a 70% turn-out. ½ of the people were all distributors with one MLM company. Most guests stayed the whole time, while only two people left ½-way through."
"My time spent with Michael, David and Sarah are priceless. These three people are my heroes. There are NO WORDS to describe the energies that were floating around. It was like … PRICELESS!"
"Michael and David ... I'm speechless!"
"I'm truly blessed to have wonderful people in my life." - Jayne Cambra
"I am not a man of many words, but I just had to write you and let you know that your presentation was awesome, You had everyone's attention. And also to say it was a great pleasure to see you and David again."
"Thanks for your commitment to me and my success."
"I am going through some personal struggles right now that are hindering my success in my business, but it won't always be this way. Thanks again Michael for all you do." - Joseph Hinkle
--------------------------------------------------------------- "Michael, I just wanted to personally let you know what an awesome thing you are doing with this freedom tour. I know what a big sacrifice it is to be away from your family for such an extended time."
"I had a wonderful time in Greenville, NC. I learned so much and have begun to put it in action. I have only been in with this group for such a short period of time, but I have already experienced so much love, compassion, and true mentoring it has really touched my heart."
"I wanted to come to the meeting to meet you and the others face to face to see if you were for real or if it was just another fake cover like I had experienced in the past. In my previous company they were real lovey-dovey as long as you were playing by their rules and bowing to them."
"But as soon as I saw the light and stood up to them and said 'No', it was all over for me. I was out of their circle and marked for life. How sad it was to see their true colors."
"But now I can honestly say I think you are for real and have our best interest at heart. Keep it up, you will be glad you did and so will many, many others."
"Once again thank you and Linda for your time, support and friendship and may God Bless you and your efforts." - Shelly Bishop
If you're looking for MLM success training that will actually answer your questions instead of leaving you more confused & frustrated than you started out with, then you really need to check out the Freedom Tour '08/'09 for a venue near you.
In an earlier post "Own Your Life - Announcing The 2008 - 2009 Freedom Tour" I introduced the whirlwind tour being conducted by 30+ year success entrepreneure & life coach Michael Dlouhy. The tour has already begun & there are two attendees who would like to tell you how this life changing event can help you own your life.
Check out what Randy & Cindy have to say about The 2008 - 2009 Freedom Tour.
If taking control of your life sounds good to you & you'd like to attend the next Freedom Tour '08 - '09 event, then CLICK HERE for details on up coming events near you. Choose the event nearest to you & then get ready to OWN your life!
My good friend and mentor, Michael Dlouhy, will be conducting a Freedom Tour across the United States to help YOU own your life! This tour has already begun in Jacksonville, Florida & is progressing at a blistering pace throughout the US & Canada. The Freedom Tour will travel to 42 cities throughout the eastern half of the US and Canada. In early 2009, Freedom Tour will cover the western half of the US and Canada.
Join A Business & Personal Coach, Mentor, Author, and Successful Entrepreneur with over 30 Years Experience as He Gives You the Straight Scoop On…
* Understanding your family members ... ALL of them * Improving communication with co-workers * Increasing your income by knowing how others think * Time & Money Freedom - on the same day - again & again * The 5 “must have” factors for career success…and why * “Tools” to apply to ANY situation or relationship in Life! * Own Your Life…and Enjoy 7-Day Weekends!
- Limited Seating Available -
To see the remaining Tour Schedule CLICK HERE (these are TENTATIVE dates and subject to change)
If you see a location you would like to attend on the list, then enter your information to register, or email me at and be sure to include:
- Your First & Last Name - Your Phone Number - Your City & State - The City & State you want to attend
I will then get you the information you need to attend the event for free. I will cover your event registration fee. This offer is for a limited time only. Get back to me as soon as possible.
YOU Deserve Success! You deserve to OWN your life!
Recently my wife received a sweepstakes notice of winnings. Well, as you can imagine our "BS" meters were on full tilt from the start. So we went by the numbers & did our due diligence. Sure enough the Federal Trade Commission told us it's a scam, & then they dropped the bomb on us.
If we had deposited the check that came to us in the envelope we received we could have been charged with "participating in a scam"! The FTC representative who informed us of this told us it did not matter that we had not initiated this scam - we would have still been "criminally liable".
This reminded me of my school boy days when I'd been punished right alongside another boy I'd gotten in a fight with. The other kid started it, but I got in trouble anyway. I guess the FTC follows the same policy my principal did, "I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it!"
So there you have it, just one more reason to make sure you don't get scammed. After all, my principal just gave us a few whacks with a paddle & told us to behave - the Feds on the other hand might lock you up!
Do you know anyone who got started in a MLM business, got all excited & bouncy, & then suddenly stopped dead in their tracks with that "dear-in-the-headlights" look? Heck, that may even have been you when you got alone with your thoughts and suddenly realized, "Oh … I don't have any prospecting skills!" This is a network marketing challenge I call "starting gate paralysis. This is very common syndrome among new network marketers, & there's a very simple solution.
This syndrome usually prompts the new comer to frantically call her sponsor & ask, "How do I quickly strike up a conversation with a cold prospect?" To best answer this question let's look at it again to see what's really being asked.
Q.: - "How do I quickly strike up a conversation with a cold prospect?"
A.: - Well, how about, 'Hi'. Or, why not mention a common interest? I think you'll find this works well with most folks. So, starting a conversation really isn't the issue, is it? The real question is, "How do I make the transition from, 'Hi', to, 'Do you want to be a distributor'?" That transition is an "ice breaker".
There's loads of ice breakers, all designed to introduce your opportunity or product to your prospects."
Ex.: Find lots of negative people. Yes, in this case you want to be around negative people. Now when the complaints begin then say these exact words:
"Would you like to do something about it?', or, 'Have you ever considered doing something about it?'"
A "Yes" makes the transition you want that will open the door to the presentation side of the conversation. Now show them how your product or service can solve that problem. It really is just that simple.
A "No" automatically tells you that person is not a prospect. Drop it and part as friends.
Ice breakers are very simple prospecting skills that eliminate the fear of talking to cold prospects. Look for lots of negative people to introduce to your awesome product &, or opportunity. Whatever their complaint is, say, "Hi", or bring up a common interest, & break the ice by asking, "Would you like to do something about it?", or, "Have you ever considered doing something about it?" Then, you can spend your time with the warm prospects (those who say "Yes"), & you can keep your friends & friendly acquaintances who say "No" by leaving them alone.
Lately it seems everything is going up in price daily, while our incomes stay the same. Sharks are everywhere waiting to eat the unsuspecting who just want to make additional money from home. That's why you need to learn to spot those creeps so you don't get scammed.
What you need to know:
1. Why "Gifting" programs are rat holes. 2. The definition of a "Pyramid Scheme" & why there's no future in them. 3. What a legitimate opportunity looks like. 4. What you can do to find one.
3. MLM Watchdog> - Your source for legal Network Marketing, updates on who's in trouble with the feds, & more.
4. Federal Trade Commission - offers the legal definitions of illegal businesses as well as past & current litigation actions.
5. Better Business Bureau - a place where folks can post complaints about bad companies & read up on scam alerts.
The key to your success Is knowing when a biz op is both good & legitimate. The resources listed above will start you in the right direction so you don't get scammed. I appreciate you,
If you're like me your parents were average people who believed there is just one reliable way to earn an honest living: "get educated, get a good job, & build a solid pension." Recent economic events from mass lay-offs to the bail out of Fanny & Freddie Mac have led many average people to say, "This isn't working! Is there another honest way, something I don't know?" The answer is, "Yes, it's the "secret income" of multi-millionaires."
Our parents' way
Before we get into the multi-millionaire income let's take a closer look at the most common one, that is, linear income. Linear income, the kind our parents advocated, is what most average people earn. Anyone with a job has linear income. Let's say you have a job & you work today, do you get paid for that day's work? Of course you do. Now let's say tomorrow you don't work, do you still get paid? No, you don't. That is how linear income works. You get paid only for the time you are actually working.
So a stable hand, a real estate sales person, & a nuclear physicist all get paid the same way. They trade time for dollars. "X" amount of time worked = $X. No time worked = $0.00. Even though the skills for each job are valued differently, once they're off the clock they all stop earning money. No matter the reason -sickness, vacations, lay-offs, all aretreated the same - zero income for zero work. Heck, even if a pension is earned, it's 2/3 of what inflation is constantly making smaller.
The Multi-Millionaire's Income
Now let's look at the second kind of income. This is known as "residual income", "royalty income", or "passive income". Who earns this income? World-class athletes like Michael Jordan, entertainers like Elvis Presley, & publishers like J. K. Rolling who wrote the Harry Potter series.
On the surface, talent aside, it seems there's no difference between Michael Jordan, Elvis, & J. K. Rolling. After all, they all suited up & showed up in their professions. That's true… but they all have one thing in common that separates their income from job holders. They all signed contracts that say they will always get paid a royalty commission anytime a consume buys what they endorsed or produced.
- As long as Nike airs its "Air Jordan" shoes ad on TV that ad earns Michael Jordan a royalty commission. - As long as people continue to by Elvis songs & radio stations play them Pricilla Presley (Elvis' daughter) will continue to receive royalty checks. - J. K. Rolling will continue to receive royalty checks as long as people buy Harry Potter books.
Michael Jordan, Elvis Presley, & J. K. Rolling all did their thing right once & continue to get paid. And here's another cool thing about royalty income.Prisilla Presley will receive $25 Million in 2008 for work her father did 30 years ago. That means both Michael & J. K. Rolling can stop working today, still get paid, & then pass those royalties on to their heirs.
OK, so you're not a super-star athlete, singer, or publisher. So what can you do to earn a royalty check? The answer is very simple … just continue to do what you've done since you were 5 years old, but start getting paid to do it.Since you were 5 you've been telling people about foods, music, places, etc. that you like & telling them they ought to try it themselves. In network marketing you use that same sharing skill to recommend to others that they check out a product or service.
Say you recommend Sue try out a network marketing company's product or service. That company will pay you a royalty check each time Sue buys from them. Then when Sue recommends Paul try the products & he buys something, you get a check for that too. Plus, if Sue becomes a rep like you, then you earn royalty income from your purchases, Sue's purchases, & those of her customers & team members. As you can see network marketing royalty checks tend to grow with time.
Can you make a living referring people to products you like?
Well, let's just put it this way, the network marketing industry brings in a cool $100 Billion annually. Part of that royalty income can be yours. All you need is the desire to do the work right once, a simple system, & the proper support. From there all you need to do is decide how big you want your royalty check to be.
We have what you need
I am part of Success Team Builders which is the number one building team in our company. We specialize in developing simple tools & systems anyone can use to build a profitable MLM business. The latest tool is the Freedom Magazine wich walks the reader through the entire presentation process. All you have to do is find other people who are interested in the products & or the business opportunity, recommend they read the Freedom Magazine, & then you too can start earning your own secret income. It's simple, easy to teach others to do, & potentially very lucrative.
In military training there is a basic tactical system called "the scale of escalation of force" which was designed to prevent loss of life & material. This defense tactic is all about spotting threats & avoiding or neutralizing them before damage can occur or get out of hand. If you want to avoid becoming a network marketing casualty, then you need to learn this skill.
As I've mentioned in previous posts Pillar #1 (company management experience with integrity) is the first in a 5 part business success system. In military & business operations time is a precious commodity. So it is critical to have a long-range layer of threat detection, & in the case of Pillar #1 this first layer has 4 parts. Here are the 4 quick tips to help you protect your long-term business goals.
1. Long Contract - 20, 30, 40 pages or more is a good indication the company has huge overhead. Long, complicated policies& procedures make hiding "gottchas" to steal your check & team easy.
Companies like these kinds of contracts because they just might need your money some day to pay for their bloated business expenses & greedy life style. Hundreds of network marketers have built a substantial residual income only to be robbed, terminated & then black balled as "bad people" by the companies they so loyally built with.
2. Products Found On Auction Sites - Companies with a comp plan that promotes recruiting over product movement often have reps selling products under assumed names or through third parties.
In this scenario reps "garage qualify", or buy loads more product than they can use per month just to get a check. The comp plan is promoting recruiting over product movement. Since most reps only recruit 2 or 3 people in their entire career some resort to making money any way they can. The company & master distributor are the only ones making money here.
3. Front End Loading - 200% to 300% mark-up over that of the same product in a different MLM company, screams, "There's no money in retailing the product!"
Once again, recruiting is all that's being rewarded & reps buy products just to earn a check. After all, why else would you pay $129 for a product you can get somewhere else for $39.95? That's just nuts!
4. The $10,000 Question Goes Unanswered - Whatever company you're in you need to know, "How many people do I need retailing product to earn $10,000 each month?"
Many corporate officers & master distributors blow smoke or change the subject when this question comes up. They know if people learn the truth, then they're gone. Some companies require 4,000 to 5,000 retail customers for you to earn a $10K monthly check, while others require as few as 400 to 500 people to do the same thing. Same work, different pay. Which makes more sense to you?
Before you join any MLM company do your homework. The 4 red flags outlined above will save lots of time by helping you spot threats to your business success long before you encounter them first hand.
Greedy, uncrupulous companies usually have long, complicated contracts. Companies that reward recruiting instead of retailing have reps garage qualifying & using auction sites because the products are too expensive to buy without getting paid. The more people it takes to make $10,000 a month the greater chances are that your business will fail.
The first 4 layers of the 1st Pillar for Success will help you spot bad MLM companies while they're still on the horizon. Such companies require greater scrutiny before you trust them with your future. On the other hand, maybe you should avoid such companies altogether.
Seth Godin, author of “The Purple Cow”, provides the answer to the most sought after question in network marketing, "What is the most remarkable product?" Mr. Godin notes that while cows come in many different colors few have ever seen one that is purple, & truly this is a remarkable thing. It seems everyone in MLM is so focused on the uniqueness of their company's product that they fail to see the most obvious asset they possess … themselves.
You're probably wondering what I mean. Simply stated, what you like does not matter. All that matters is what your prospects like. If you want your prospects clamoring for your unique product, then you must work with the numbers. Everyone tells your prospects how they have the best & most unique product out there. Prospects get tired of all that hype & they will turn you off if you don't show that you are different.
So how do you make yourself different? You must become the Purple Cow that will make your prospects stop what they're doing & take notice. The fact is products & companies come & go … but unique people remain. People who stand out in MLM are the ones who become successful long-term by building know, like, & trust relationships.
A similar critical mistake most network marketers make is they don’t choose a remarkable marketing system that works with the numbers. Direct marketing is all about the numbers. That’s expected because that is a completely different industry. MLM requires a different, more personal strategy for success. The proof is in losing people because you make them feel like numbers.
Here's What The Numbers Say
- 2 to 3 members of a team produce 80% of the group volume - Average networkers recruit 2.7 people in their career - 90% of all people hate pushy, aggressive people - 92% of all people hate being sold - 98% of your team will be part-timers
If you want to build it once, build it big & pass it on to your children’s children, then read & review this next line until it sinks in.
MLM is a people business … so you are your remarkable product.
To achieve this, & so work with the numbers you must use a system everyone can duplicate, one that makes you the standout, the “Go-To Person” who stands out among all the carnival barkers out there.
When you use these principals you’ll have 9 out of 10 people, 90% of everyone you talk to leaning forward to listen to what you have to say about what will work for them in MLM. This is called Relationship Marketing. When you become good at building relationships then you are the most remarkable product your prospects have ever seen.
If you have any experience in competitive sports, travel, or even child rearing, then you know you've got to have a Pre-Action plan for achieving goals as successfully & effortlessly as possible. Some, such as parents, create their plan by instinct, while others are more methodical. No matter the activity, a plan laid out in advance will be the most successful plan. So why then do people begin building a MLM business without this most basic first step? For those who find themselves in this situation (or know someone who is) read on.
Q.: "I've been with a good company for about 2 1/2 months without sponsoring anyone. I basically go to work, home. & church. I don't feel right about prospecting at church & I have few friends. Plus leads are too expensive. So what can I do?"
A.: Well, maybe you're not well suited to network marketing. If you can not talk to people you know, meet new people, or buy leads, then that leaves just recommending what you like to yourself. Will self-recommendation to things you like make you any money? No. While that sounds silly it's true. A MLM business is one of recommending and promoting what we like to others.
All that aside, let's assume you really want to succeed in your MLM. How can you do it efficiently? The investigator Lieutenant Columbo asked questions & tracked down leads. So, you can become an investigator by asking your friends, 'Who do you know?'. Your friends know approximately 200 people you don't. Of course, I don't expect you to talk to all 200 because that's too time consuming & frustrating. All I can realistically expect you to do is talk to a few people who are looking for what you are recommending. Here are a couple questions you could ask your friends to help you with this investigative effort.
Investigative Question #1 - "Who do you know … ?"
1: "Who do you know that is always hustling on weekends to sell stuff at the flea market, or doing odd jobs trying to make some extra money?" 2: "Who do you know that just hates their job and would like to find a different type of career?" 3. "Who do you know that really works hard, but would like to get a raise?" 4. "Who do you know that would like to have a free car?" 5. "Who do you know that would like to have more time with their family?" 6. "Who do you know that would like to work out of their home and not commute all the way to work?"
These questions trigger in your prospects' minds names & faces of certain 'people'. Now you need to know a little something about these certain people. In order to get your prospects to tell you about these people you need to ask the second "relaxer" question. A "relaxer" question is designed to put prospects at ease. This question helps your prospect realize you are not a sales person, you do not want to sell anyone, and you just want to talk to people who are REALLY interested in what you are recommending. Here is that vital second question:
Investigative Question #2:
After the person suggests, "Well, maybe Sue would", then you say, "Do you think she would like to do something about it?"
When the person says, "Well, yes I think so", then you say, "OK, then if you'll give me Sue's number I'll get her some information."
The first question separates us from all the hucksters everyone wants to avoid. Those jokers just want to sell, sell, sell. And the second question helps us discover if our prospect is really serious about doing something about it, or if they're 'just looking'. The last question is your request for a referral from a friend so you can get the information to them.
This simple 3 question system is easy, casual, & can be used anywhere. Plus, once you see how easily you can generate your own leads for free it will help get you out of that slump & on your way to building a MLM business to long-term success.
Owning your own business is a great way to increase your total tax deductions. In fact because MLM businesses have a small start-up just one tax deduction, such as the "business to business" deduction, can easily fund your MLM basic operating expenses. With today's high gas prices that's a really big deal.
So what is this "business to business" deduction, & what do gas prices have to do with it? This one is for those who have a tax paying job & a business they operate primarily out of their home office. When you commute from your home office to your job & back again all that travel is a tax deductible "business expense" because you are commuting from one business address to another business.
"Sounds great", you say. Yes, but to take this deduction you better be able to prove you deserve it AND that it exists. Yes, you read that correctly. When it comes to many legal tax deductions the IRS often considers you guilty until proven innocent. So you must be able to prove the law exists so the folks who process your tax return don't kick it back as disallowed.
So, can you site the laws supporting your right to take the business to business deduction you spent the whole year earning? Probably not, & if you expect your local CPA or H&R Block filer to know this information, then chances are you are out of luck. You see, the IRS is in the business of collecting revenues … not helping people learn how to pay as little revenue as possible. You need a MLM tax expert in your corner.
If you have a business that you operate primarily out of your home & you work a W-2 job somewhere else, then you can claim that commute on your tax report. But before you buckle up & grab the wheel you must be able to cite the supporting federal laws for any deduction if you want the IRS to let you use that money to help fund your MLM. That is why I rely on the MLM tax pro Ron Mueller to help me out. If you'd like a copy of Ron's latest email letter to me on the business to business tax deduction, then shoot me a message at:
I know what you're thinking, "Who? What's that? It's one of the sites Google loves. This site is a page builder for folks that want to share their passions. Anything from self-branding to simply announcing upcoming events.
If you want to do it quickly & easily then this site is what you want. Best of all you can get it out there in less than 5 minutes for a grand total of $0.00. That's right, it's completely FREE to create as many pages as you like. With the exception of your time & imagination, there are no limitations.
Here's an example of what a Squidoo lens looks like.
With a little effort on a daily basis your lens could sky rocket in ranking in almost no time. Soon your lens could be on the op of the heap, & you don't have to be a techno-geek to do it. If building a stable long-term income is important to you, then self-branding is what you need to be doing. Setting-up a Squidoo lens will help you do that. Just go to My First Lens, then click the “Make Your Own Lens” link, then visit Bob The Teacher’s lens for the FREE 7-day mini-course with helpful tips to get your lens noticed fast.
Human imagination, the ability to bring into being something that is not present, is one of the most powerful resources on earth. Children spend countless hours entertaining themselves & learning by using their imagination. Abilities, knowledge, & industries spring forth regularly when people exercise this boundless skill. Since the dawn of MLM, a product of imagination, a few creative entrepreneurs refused to allow the arbitrary boundaries of "conventional thought" to bind them & so they learned to generate a recurring income thought to be impossible for one person to build.
Parents do not mean any harm when they pass on to their children as facts the conventions of modern knowledge. Rather, they simply pass on what they know as their way of helping us to grow. They want to protect us from the unknown. And yet, many grow up so insulated from the "dangers of life" that we never venture out of the comfort zone we have developed. This is why so few ever realize the new horizons, new worlds of thought. & a greater understanding of what we do not know.
The common perception is that individuals such as Marco Polo, Alexander Graham Bell, & Neal Armstrong were extraordinary souls. The reality is these men dared oppose the definition of what "was" & "could be". When "extraordinary" people challenge the definition of "impossible" in search of solutions, then fantasy & the unattainable becomes a new invention, & the unknown becomes an established historical fact.
Those intrepid explorers who disavow "the impossible" embody a powerful truth - the key to the power of positive thinking is in how we look at ourselves & our surroundings. "Facts" are challenged & alternative solutions discovered.
The world is full of "exceptional" souls imprisoned by their perceptions of what is possible. The truth is all of us define in our own minds what is or is not impossible - & often times because of what others say. Freedom of discovery & understanding is found in the truth that our limitations are based exclusively on the skills we has yet to obtain & put to work in our lives.
So, will you allow the beliefs of the crowd to shape your future, limit your income, & kill your dreams? or will you exercise your human imagination to push the bounds of your own limitations?
In network marketing everyone watches the competition to see what's going on … especially when companies get into legal trouble. Some watch for opportunities to pounce on their competitor's misfortune in an effort to improve their own image. Others watch for the distributor fallout, because they know many casualties will be looking for a new home. Still others, all be it a very few, watch to sound the alarm when mischievous MLM companies act out.
One such minority watchman is Rod Cook, author of the website. You may find what Rod has to say about YTB & its mischievous behavior interesting reading.
Another such watchman is Michael Dlouhy. In his 30 + years in network marketing Michael has developed a huge bank of experience, built to the top of his company leaving no record unbroken, & acted as consultant to several network marketing companies.
As founder of the Mentoring For Free system & author of the classic Ebook "Success In 10 Steps", & one who joined 100 + companies to learn what works in MLM, Michael has been sharing his knowledge & advice to anyone in any business for over 5 years now.
So you can understand why people listen when Michael says, "Watch that company". And Michael has been telling people to watch YTB for quite some time now. Not so he can boast about how much better his company is, or to slurp up the blood of new meat. Rather, Michael has been beating the drum about YTB's activities for a long time now because he saw the train wreck coming.
Michael Dlouhy really cares about people. He wants to arm people with information that can help them save the years of heartache & frustration he went through when mischievous MLM behavior destroyed his business & left hundreds of others devestated as well.
If learning how to avoid disaster in your network marketing career is important to you, then I strongly recommend you stop everything you are doing right now & listen to what Michael Dlouhy has to say about MLM scams in his book "Success In 10 Steps".
For several years now network marketing leaders in many different companies have been saying (YTB) is a scam. Naturally there has been a flurry of banter on this topic both pro & con. No one wants to lose a big money pirch, and by the same token no one wants to see folks get stewed. This is evident when every bird in the yard falls silent after the poultry rancher, the State Attorney General, proclaims, "MLM SCAM!"
So why is the Attorney General of Los Angeles, California looking to put YTB on his dinner table? In another section of the article we read, " and its affiliates operate an illegal pyramid scheme that only benefits members if and when they find enough new members to join the scam. Once enrolled, members who join the pyramid scheme earn compensation for each new person they enlist, regardless of whether they sell any travel."
On the surface the statement above may seem a bit confusing. After all, isn't being paid for sponsoring part of MLM?
The FTC defines a "pyramid scheme".
The FTC's definition of a pyramid scheme goes something like this. A MLM company is a pyramid scheme if it has one or more of the following attributes:
(1) a "headhunting" fee (2) no product sales are required to receive a performance bonus (3) company buy back of excessive inventory (4) not requiring that products be sold to customers.
Now look at items #1, #2, & #4 again and evaluate them against what the California Attorney General is saying YTB has been doing:
" and its affiliates operate an illegal pyramid scheme that only benefits members if and when they find enough new members to join the scam. Once enrolled, members who join the pyramid scheme earn compensation for each new person they enlist, regardless of whether they sell any travel."
So, according to rule #1 YTB has been offering reps a "head hunting" (recruiting) fee. On top of that, YTB is in violation of rule #2, & #4 because it has not been requiring reps to sell the product (travel) to any customers.
So what is one to do? Should people in YTB fly the coup? That's up to them to decide. Whether you're a top-rung bird or a new chick a better question to ask may be, "Do I want to be in the YTB hen house when the ol' General comes in with his ax?"
In "List Building - Pillar 6 (part 2)" we learned how doing your home work can save you a lot of frustration, unwanted attention from the Feds, & how to leverage the customer base of other businesses through the power of the Joint Venture. Now we'll see how all that works to help you with list building.
List building requires similar principals. It's all for naught without doing the home work first. You must know in advance if people want what you're offering or not. For this reason you're shooting yourself in the foot if you buy someone else's list.
Doing the home work for your own list (target market) will answer all these crucial questions:
--> What's going on at the search engines & the forums? --> Are there enough similarities between what you and others are offering? --> Who's buying from those places with similar products? --> What needs are being mentioned at forums so you know you are on track to provide what is not being offered already?
Keep Information Systems Simple
It's time to start your web site. As a general rule, when choosing what content to place on your site you should Keep Information Systems Simple (K.I.S.S.). Your visitors should only be doing one thing there. Your site should be exclusively about driving traffic.
The ultimate treasure your site must offer you is captured prospect information. If you have no capture or splash page, then you can forget about regular sales.
A capture or splash page contains ad copy at the top with some sort of free offer of value to your prospect. A news letter, or a free ebook are good examples of free offers with prospect perceived value.
News letters or Ebooks contain a summary of the challenges revealed through your research at the search engines and forums so your readers see you are the expert they're looking for. If you target properly, this can yield 20% to 30% sign-ups. So you find your target market's challenge, develop a solution, then offer that solution on the splash page to capture their information.
Now it's time for the follow-up.
Your informative Ebook or news letter is your follow-up after capturing a prospect's information at the splash page, & builds you up as an expert. In either case, the goal is to help you build a "know, like, & trust" relationship with your prospect.
So how do you go about writing this news letter on a regular basis? There are 3 options.
1. Do-It-Yourself - If you already have a nack for writting articles you can follow the steps outlined above & then write your won articles. If you ever run out of material you can always search for articles on the topic you want to direct prospects to, & then craft a version of your own.
CAUTION: While choosing to fashion articles after pre-existing pieces is the chepest method, & so possibly the most attractive, be careful to change the title, & at least one sentence in each paragraph or one or more words in each sentence. If you can do this & retain content relevence, then you will minimize the risk of the search engines rejecting your articles for "duplicate content".
2. E-Lance Writers - professionals known as 'ghost writers' produce a 100 to 200 or so word letter that you buy and then 'self-brand' with your name and information. Some go for as little as $5 to $10 per letter. That's $25 to $50 for a 5-day news letter. So you can get a professional letter created for you each week that you in turn send to your prospects.
To make the most of this powerful relationship building tool insert a "Sponsored By" caption in each article mentioning your content related product. So you take the information you got from your home work on the search engines and the forums and then tell the ghost writers to research this and come up with articles on that information.
3. Instant Article Wizard: This is a software that does much of what the ghost writer does for a one-time fee of $67. IAW finds articles that have already been picked up by the search engines for your chosen category and takes one sentence from several to create an article of the length you determine.
You of course must do some editing to be sure the content is in line with what you want to put out there, but IAW can help speed up the process and reduce it to a potentially fun 15 minute puzzle.
The best part is IAW makes sure duplicate content is not created, even when the same category and key words or phrases are selected by multiple users.
You have 2 marketing choices - built in success, or built in failure.
You could choose Plan 'B' & hope something sticks while you lose your friends, your shirt, & your sanity. Or, you could choose plan 'A' & take a little time to do your home work. Then you'll know who your target market is & what they want. In turn you'll increase your sign-up rate by 20% or 30%.
Plan 'B' marketers may talk a good line, but they know nothing of the 6th Pillar for Success. Why not just pick up the your local phone book & start dialing from the white pages? At least it's cheaper.
Plan 'B' marketing is fatally flawed because everyone is different. Incomes, interests, & needs are all different. Everyone is in a different target market, so a filtering system, Plan 'A' marketing, is crucial to your success in network marketing.
Let's look at the splash page again.
OK, you have a highly targeted prospect. Do you ask for the sale? No! Most people aren't ready for that at this point. The few who will buy right now will go into the witness protection program as soon as you turn your back.
You can direct them to a thank you page. This is where your home work begins to pay off. That thank you page is there to answer the questions or resolve the problems you discovered in your home work or target market research.
This is also where your free offer comes into play. Now offer that free report or ebook. Magically you become a hero - the "go-to" person your prospect has been looking for.
I live in a small rural community with the love of my life Charlotte.
I am passionate about our life together, being the best role model for our children & grandchildren, & treating everyone I meet with honor, dignity, & respect.
I have little patience for bullies, liars, quibblers, & cheets.
I live by the law of reciprocity. In other words, "OK, so I did the right thing ... but can I do more?
That's why I love MLM. I get to bring good things to good people & save them the hassle of dealing with the stinkin' thinkin' of the 9 to 5 world.
One of the most successful network marketers in the industry, my good friend & mentor Richard Dennis, says it best, "MLM is a personal development program with a compensation plan attached."