Everyone in network marketing knows that no matter what sponsoring method is used the most effective tool for developing a solid, lasting MLM business is relationship marketing. Truly successful networkers who use this technique say that analyzing personalitiesis one of the most powerful ways they use to build their prospect & team relationships because:
1. It builds trust - each personality has different hot buttons, so hitting those points creates a strong personal relationship.
2. It saves time - f you know what makes people tick, then you can spot it & go to it right away.
3. It's duplicatable - it's simple enough that anyone can learn this technique & start using it immediately.
To illustrate the power & speed of personality analysis let's look at a series of communications I have had with a recent prospect.
• January 4, 2009 - I noticed a prospect (let's call him Jack) had downloaded my ebook "Success In 10 Steps" by way of my blog. Elapsed Time: about 5 minutes.
• January 5 - Jack & I discussed how I could help him in his quest to build his business. I advised Jack to read the ebook & set an appointment for the next day to get his feedback & questions on the ebook. Elapsed Time: about 10 minutes.
• January 7 - Jack had read the information & demonstrated a strong level of interest in learning what MLM business I am in. Elapsed Time: about 45 minutes.
• January 8 - After talking to my sponsor / mentor Jack decided he wants to join my team. Elapsed Time: about 45 minutes (mostly between Jack & my sponsor / mentor).
So all told I spent about 1 hour getting to know Jack.
How soon did I realize Jack is a green? About half way through the process.
You may be thinking, "That wasn't very quick Bill." Maybe not, but consider this:
I did this completely over the phone. Plus, I determined Jack's personality type with half the information available from a face-to-face meeting.
Now I'm not a super recruiter. So that means I'm an average guy. How many average people do you know who can sponsor someone in just 1 hour?
The point is if I'd never learned the skills of analyzing personalities I would have wasted a lot of time & lost Jack as a prospect. That is because I would have been guessing at how to meet Jack's needs. If you want to know how to build relationships with anyone quickly & efficiently, then you need to learn how to meet the needs of each personality type.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
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I just wanted to say Congratulations.
Sounds like your system works pretty good. And your new team member can plug right in and repeat the process.
Congratulations, keep up the great work.
Gary McElwain
Hi Gary,
That is the idea: provide a plug-and play system, introduce it to people starving for it, & then help them build their dreams.
Thanks for the kind words.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
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