Most of us know network marketing and direct selling has been around many, many years. In fact, the oldest MLM company started over 100 years ago. What most people don't know about the industry is the contribution it has, & is still making to the economic strength of the US & many other countries world wide.
Most people think owning a home based business is nuts. This is especially true when it comes to the MLM industry. Some people know the best chance to achieve the American dream lies in being an entrepreneur.
So why do so many people have such a backward view of this qwesome industry?
1. Proliferation of Misinformation - A few "leaders" (less than 1% of the world population) have promoted a marketing model that the rest of the world hates. Bad publicity creates bad blood.
2. The Work Force - 90% of the people in MLM are too mentally scattered to stay the course. They need a proven system for success.
3. Poor Systems - Very few successful industry leaders offer a system for duplication that the masses can afford & implement.
The biggest advantages of owning a network marketing business:
• Tax Breaks - there are special tax breaks not available to corporations & average wage earners. These can make a start-up virtually free.
• Flexability - No other income source offers the option of a personalized schedule, work environment, & team.
• Family Friendly - everyone can get in on the act & all can reap the rewards. The absent parent syndrome need not exist.
• Residual Income - no other income source allows the earner to stop working & still earn a check, let alone come back & find a bigger check.
• True Autonomy - where else can we choose who we will or will not work with?
• Self-Development - building a successful business necessarily builds strength, character, & integrity … the self-fulfillment everyone craves.
Perhaps the best argument for pursuing the American dream, being your own boss, comes from those who see its far reaching effects. In a recent video former President Bill Clinton shares the benefits he sees from the small business sector.
If the American dream sounds too good to be true, then it's time for a change. There are some companies & industry leaders that have worked hard to put systems in place to make this happen for anyone who wants it. Network marketing and direct selling is not "just a pipe dream", & I can show you how it can work for you.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
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