Thursday, February 28, 2008

How To Build MLM Success - Blend Patience With Urgency

MLM success often seems to be a mix of patience and urgency. When you know you've made the correct long-term choices, then you can be patient. BUT - now you have to act with great urgency.

Your MLM team has got to see good things happening, or they will head off on their merry way, looking for greener pastures. You have to immerse them on belief.

Give Them Every Chance To Not Believe

You have to know this sooner rather than later. Once you believe in their belief, then talk about patience ... the need to plan long-term. And turn it around. Tell them to act with urgency.

What Is Urgency?

For some, urgency means running around like a chicken with its head cut off. That's panic, not urgency.

When you focus tightly and you know the result you want, then you can act with speed. You've got to do it NOW, not tomorrow, because you can't be sure that there will be a tomorrow.

And that is really the crux of the problem. You sure don't want to go out of this life thinking, "If only ... ". So you must feed your own urgent attitude. And you must help each team member expand and nourish their urgent attitude. When you have an entire team urgently building long-term, THEN you have really done something.

Bla, Bla, Bla …

A lot of people pay lip service to the idea of patience and urgency. But when you need an actual model, you must look somewhere else. This is pretty easy to spot, because you see a person with some pretty unproductive habits. When you see a life of non-productivity, that is not someone who understands the secret of "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson.

It's Impossible To Eat An Elephant In One Bite

Olson's book is your blueprint for replacing all your bad habits with good habits. The biggest reason people don't often make any real change is, it's too big a commitment.

So the trick is to make it a very, very small commitment - just 1 or 2 minutes a day. That makes it easy to do.

Just start out thinking what is your most urgent action today ... and do it. Or even just do part of it. Even doing just a single action will lead to the rest of it.

And when you will simply commit to that every day, then you are acting patiently ... with urgency. That is all you need do to be successful.

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore


Anonymous said...

Hi Bill

I like the elephant analogy. When we break our goals or task down to small bites, and work at them daily we will reach our goal.

Gary McElwain

Anonymous said...

Hi Gary,

Thanks for the kind words. It has taken me many years to learn this skill. Boy am I tired. :-)

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore