Whether you are new to network marketing, or you're a business building veteran, you have probably gained a healthy respect for the value of prospects. In fact you'd probably agree it's a slam-dunk that without prospects no one can build a profitable MLM business.
But how many people are slamming their heads against a brick wall because they have a totally warped idea of any prospect's value? TONS!
What am I talking about?
I am talking about the Holy Grail of the prospect pool. Every would-be Knight of the Residual Income Round Table asks, "Where do I find the best prospect?" Or they ask , "Where can I find good quality leads".
Good And Bad Prospects Are Like Unicorns
They don't exist … until we talk to them. Here's a good example of how we change a neutral prospect into a "bad" one..
The Date You Might Get
OK gentlemen, you see a nice lady you'd like to get close to. Now suppose you use one of these ice-breakers.
1. "How much do you weigh?"
2. "Why did you dye your hair that color?"
3. "Are those your real teeth?"
4. "Have you ever considered having a face lift?"
5. "Didn't I see you working the red light district?"
Will this lady fall in love with you if you say things like these to her? I doubt it. In fact you'll probably be doing well if she doesn't slap you.
Reality Check People!
The fact is network marketing leads, your prospects, are people just like you. Chances are if you would not like to be treated the way you treat your prospects, then they will not like it either. And so they immediately become "bad" prospects.
All prospects are basically neutral … until we talk to them. It is what we say to them and how we treat them that makes prospects good or bad.
Relationship building is what this business is all about. When your prospects know, like, and trust you suddenly they become more valuable than gold.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
How To Build MLM Success - Blend Patience With Urgency
MLM success often seems to be a mix of patience and urgency. When you know you've made the correct long-term choices, then you can be patient. BUT - now you have to act with great urgency.
Your MLM team has got to see good things happening, or they will head off on their merry way, looking for greener pastures. You have to immerse them on belief.
Give Them Every Chance To Not Believe
You have to know this sooner rather than later. Once you believe in their belief, then talk about patience ... the need to plan long-term. And turn it around. Tell them to act with urgency.
What Is Urgency?
For some, urgency means running around like a chicken with its head cut off. That's panic, not urgency.
When you focus tightly and you know the result you want, then you can act with speed. You've got to do it NOW, not tomorrow, because you can't be sure that there will be a tomorrow.
And that is really the crux of the problem. You sure don't want to go out of this life thinking, "If only ... ". So you must feed your own urgent attitude. And you must help each team member expand and nourish their urgent attitude. When you have an entire team urgently building long-term, THEN you have really done something.
Bla, Bla, Bla …
A lot of people pay lip service to the idea of patience and urgency. But when you need an actual model, you must look somewhere else. This is pretty easy to spot, because you see a person with some pretty unproductive habits. When you see a life of non-productivity, that is not someone who understands the secret of "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson.
It's Impossible To Eat An Elephant In One Bite
Olson's book is your blueprint for replacing all your bad habits with good habits. The biggest reason people don't often make any real change is, it's too big a commitment.
So the trick is to make it a very, very small commitment - just 1 or 2 minutes a day. That makes it easy to do.
Just start out thinking what is your most urgent action today ... and do it. Or even just do part of it. Even doing just a single action will lead to the rest of it.
And when you will simply commit to that every day, then you are acting patiently ... with urgency. That is all you need do to be successful.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
Your MLM team has got to see good things happening, or they will head off on their merry way, looking for greener pastures. You have to immerse them on belief.
Give Them Every Chance To Not Believe
You have to know this sooner rather than later. Once you believe in their belief, then talk about patience ... the need to plan long-term. And turn it around. Tell them to act with urgency.
What Is Urgency?
For some, urgency means running around like a chicken with its head cut off. That's panic, not urgency.
When you focus tightly and you know the result you want, then you can act with speed. You've got to do it NOW, not tomorrow, because you can't be sure that there will be a tomorrow.
And that is really the crux of the problem. You sure don't want to go out of this life thinking, "If only ... ". So you must feed your own urgent attitude. And you must help each team member expand and nourish their urgent attitude. When you have an entire team urgently building long-term, THEN you have really done something.
Bla, Bla, Bla …
A lot of people pay lip service to the idea of patience and urgency. But when you need an actual model, you must look somewhere else. This is pretty easy to spot, because you see a person with some pretty unproductive habits. When you see a life of non-productivity, that is not someone who understands the secret of "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson.
It's Impossible To Eat An Elephant In One Bite
Olson's book is your blueprint for replacing all your bad habits with good habits. The biggest reason people don't often make any real change is, it's too big a commitment.
So the trick is to make it a very, very small commitment - just 1 or 2 minutes a day. That makes it easy to do.
Just start out thinking what is your most urgent action today ... and do it. Or even just do part of it. Even doing just a single action will lead to the rest of it.
And when you will simply commit to that every day, then you are acting patiently ... with urgency. That is all you need do to be successful.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
WHOW HAUS ... I Ain't No MLM Cowboy!
Rodeo has a men’s event called steer roping. These guys are pros and they love the roar of the Sunday crowd cheering them on as they chase a steer into the dust. That works for them and that’s OK.
Now, put a city dude, in a three-piece suit, on that same horse. Then tell him to chase down and rope a steer for the fastest time of the day. That’ll amuse the crowd, but the city dude will be petrified.
In my early MLM business days I felt like that city dude.
No one had prepared me to ride this powerful, wild-eyed stallion called "MLM", let alone how to bulldog that other fearsome beast they call "a prospect". Both of these creatures scared me right down to my Patton leather shoes.
I just wasn’t cut out to be a MLM wrangler.
That’s how most folks feel when some cowboy recruiter shows them this exciting business. He puts them in the saddle with a load of hype, & then turns them lose with the words, “Get ‘er done!“
Roping and bulldogging frightened prospects isn't for you either?
That's OK. Actually you're pretty normal. In fact, you don't have to be a cowboy to be a success in MLM. You can build a profitable business without bruises and saddle sores.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
Now, put a city dude, in a three-piece suit, on that same horse. Then tell him to chase down and rope a steer for the fastest time of the day. That’ll amuse the crowd, but the city dude will be petrified.
In my early MLM business days I felt like that city dude.
No one had prepared me to ride this powerful, wild-eyed stallion called "MLM", let alone how to bulldog that other fearsome beast they call "a prospect". Both of these creatures scared me right down to my Patton leather shoes.
I just wasn’t cut out to be a MLM wrangler.
That’s how most folks feel when some cowboy recruiter shows them this exciting business. He puts them in the saddle with a load of hype, & then turns them lose with the words, “Get ‘er done!“
Roping and bulldogging frightened prospects isn't for you either?
That's OK. Actually you're pretty normal. In fact, you don't have to be a cowboy to be a success in MLM. You can build a profitable business without bruises and saddle sores.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
Monday, February 25, 2008
MLM Prospects Are All The Same ... Sort Of.
My name is Bill Tessore. I live in Squaw Valley, California with my wife Charlotte & our daughter Joni. I am a professional network marketer with over 20 years experience in the industry. I got into network marketing because I had a vision problem …
I couldn’t see my self spending anymore time building someone else’s dream.
Like most folks in MLM I spent years learning valuable lessons the hard way. Here are the three most valuable business building skills I have learned.
3 Keys To Success
1. You MUST brand yourself - Leaders are NOT anonymous.
2. You MUST have a simple duplication system anyone can use - Thousands give up on networking each month because they have no simple, duplicatable system.
3. To be a successful person you MUST think like a successful person - The world’s full of broke followers without a success mind set
All MLM Prospects Are Wondering is ...
1. “Can I do this?”
2. Can you help me
When you brand yourself with a 100% duplicatable system and you think like a successful person the answer to these two questions is “YES!” Suddenly you become the “go-to” person. Then a magical thing happens
You build a powerful, successful team and business.
If you want to build a lasting residual income, then you MUST learn to develop these 3 critical business building components: self-brand, use an easy-to-use duplication system, and develop a success mindset to become a successful person.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
I couldn’t see my self spending anymore time building someone else’s dream.
Like most folks in MLM I spent years learning valuable lessons the hard way. Here are the three most valuable business building skills I have learned.
3 Keys To Success
1. You MUST brand yourself - Leaders are NOT anonymous.
2. You MUST have a simple duplication system anyone can use - Thousands give up on networking each month because they have no simple, duplicatable system.
3. To be a successful person you MUST think like a successful person - The world’s full of broke followers without a success mind set
All MLM Prospects Are Wondering is ...
1. “Can I do this?”
2. Can you help me
When you brand yourself with a 100% duplicatable system and you think like a successful person the answer to these two questions is “YES!” Suddenly you become the “go-to” person. Then a magical thing happens
You build a powerful, successful team and business.
If you want to build a lasting residual income, then you MUST learn to develop these 3 critical business building components: self-brand, use an easy-to-use duplication system, and develop a success mindset to become a successful person.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
MLM Strategy - Leaders Are Givers.
It's really frustrating when you hate your job, but you have to work, because you need the money ... but your pay isn't anything to write home about. We all at times think about somehow creating an extra income from home, maybe eventually going full-time. So you search "home business" and fill out some forms, and the phone calls start, hot and heavy.
Money is one thing. You and I have both wasted it in the past. We'll probably do it again.
But to succeed and profit in any home business, you have to be dedicated. It takes blood, sweat, tears, and time. And you've got to be pretty enthusiastic - REALLY enthusiastic - about it to make that commitment. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time.
Network marketing has always been a relationship business. To be successful, you've got to get great at building relationships. People join you only when they believe in you and see YOU as a leader.
Will that happen 2 or 3 times a week? Possible, if you're talking to the right people. That means targeted leads. People need your help to achieve their dreams. If they think you'll give them the help they need, they'll join you.
So improve your skills so you can help others get the things they want, and this business will work just fine for you.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
Money is one thing. You and I have both wasted it in the past. We'll probably do it again.
But to succeed and profit in any home business, you have to be dedicated. It takes blood, sweat, tears, and time. And you've got to be pretty enthusiastic - REALLY enthusiastic - about it to make that commitment. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time.
Network marketing has always been a relationship business. To be successful, you've got to get great at building relationships. People join you only when they believe in you and see YOU as a leader.
Will that happen 2 or 3 times a week? Possible, if you're talking to the right people. That means targeted leads. People need your help to achieve their dreams. If they think you'll give them the help they need, they'll join you.
So improve your skills so you can help others get the things they want, and this business will work just fine for you.
I appreciate you,
Bill Tessore
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