Monday, June 30, 2008

"How To Start A MLM Presentation - Product, Or Opportunity?" Part 2

In my previous post "How To Lead A Presentation: With The Product, Or The Opportunity? Part 1" we looked at the guidelines for presenting to a single prospect or a couple. We established that each prospect's current life situation determines whether you should start with the opportunity or the product.

Of course, just like each prospect, each scenario going into a presentation is different. That leads to the next question for the second part of this series.

Question: "What about a group presentation, would that make a difference?"

Answer: Absolutely! In this case it's preferable to lead with the product. Otherwise, the prospects will become confused. They'll be wondering what the product is and they won't understand the compensation plan. This addresses their 5 questions immediately:

1. What is the product?
2. What are you selling?
3. Will anyone buy it?
4. If I join, then will I have any customers?
5. Is it fairly priced?

Presentations are situation driven.

With a large group it's critical to build desire for the product right away. That way the prospects will be more open to the opportunity because now they perceive that product or service as valuable enough to want it.

That way they can see that everyone wants or needs it, and all they need to do is find others who want or need the product or service. This will build a foundation for your prospects to better understand the compensation plan.

Magical things will happen in your MLM business when common sense is your guide.

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore

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