Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Science of Building Relationships - Freedom Tour '08/'09

There is many a "guru" out there that claims to have the market cornered on building relationships. Michael Dlouhy, on the other hand has distilled the science of building relationships into a simple system anyone can duplicate. The Freedom Tour event in Minneapolis, MN was a shining example of how deftly Michael wields the craft he has freely taught so many over the past 5 years.

Minneapolis Minnesota

"The Minneapolis event was packed, around 80 people were there, and Michael fed off of the energy being put out by people in the room. Most of the attendees were on the edge of their seats and nodding in agreement with everything Michael had to say. Some people were just flat out stunned with the information Michael presented to them. It was really sinking in as to why they were not being successful in their company."

"Talking to people after the event over and over the same things were said, 'this was really good stuff, this event was amazing.' One guest sent this comment: 'It was a valuable learning experience and a blessing to meet Michael Dlouhy and the organizers.' Many people thanked us for hosting the event and allowing them to attend, and wanted to know if we could do this type of event for their teams."

"Most people stayed after the break, and a few even went for pizza after the event. It was a perfect opportunity for many team members to spend time talking with Michael and the group. This event was definitely huge for the growth of those in attendance; some people even drove 4-hours to attend the event." - Doug & Kathy Karnuth

For some building life-long relationships, so critical to success in all aspects of life, comes naturally. For others this is a struggle. That is why Michael is teaching the techniques of the science of building relationships to anyone who wants to learn … absolutely FREE. To end your struggle find an event near you and Register NOW!

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore

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