Thursday, August 14, 2008

Human Imagination - You Define What Is Possible

Human imagination, the ability to bring into being something that is not present, is one of the most powerful resources on earth. Children spend countless hours entertaining themselves & learning by using their imagination. Abilities, knowledge, & industries spring forth regularly when people exercise this boundless skill. Since the dawn of MLM, a product of imagination, a few creative entrepreneurs refused to allow the arbitrary boundaries of "conventional thought" to bind them & so they learned to generate a recurring income thought to be impossible for one person to build.

Parents do not mean any harm when they pass on to their children as facts the conventions of modern knowledge. Rather, they simply pass on what they know as their way of helping us to grow. They want to protect us from the unknown. And yet, many grow up so insulated from the "dangers of life" that we never venture out of the comfort zone we have developed. This is why so few ever realize the new horizons, new worlds of thought. & a greater understanding of what we do not know.

The common perception is that individuals such as Marco Polo, Alexander Graham Bell, & Neal Armstrong were extraordinary souls. The reality is these men dared oppose the definition of what "was" & "could be". When "extraordinary" people challenge the definition of "impossible" in search of solutions, then fantasy & the unattainable becomes a new invention, & the unknown becomes an established historical fact.

Those intrepid explorers who disavow "the impossible" embody a powerful truth - the key to the power of positive thinking is in how we look at ourselves & our surroundings. "Facts" are challenged & alternative solutions discovered.

See the power of human imagination in action.

The world is full of "exceptional" souls imprisoned by their perceptions of what is possible. The truth is all of us define in our own minds what is or is not impossible - & often times because of what others say. Freedom of discovery & understanding is found in the truth that our limitations are based exclusively on the skills we has yet to obtain & put to work in our lives.

So, will you allow the beliefs of the crowd to shape your future, limit your income, & kill your dreams? or will you exercise your human imagination to push the bounds of your own limitations?

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore


Gary McElwain said...

You are so right Bill so many people are held back from their real destiny, not because they lack the talent required to succeed at their dreams.

But because they were never pushed or encouraged to venture out of their comfort zone, by parents who were not pushed by their parents and on and on.

You can be what you believe you can be.

Gary McElwain

Bill Tessore said...

Hi Gary,

Amen & amen.

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore