Friday, April 11, 2008

Will The True Leader Please Stand Up?

How do you describe exactly what sets leaders apart from the crowd? Is it possible to forecast who will rise above the ranks of the followers to emerge as an undeniable leader – someone who is widely accepted as a guru?

Without a doubt, when looking at a leader, most folks instinctively expect to see certainty and passion and enthusiasm. So long as those things are visible, that person inspires confidence in others.

You don't need a bunch of statistics to back it up either, some things are just obvious. I'll bet you've noticed this in your life. Man or woman, the person who exudes confidence is easy to follow.

As for the person without it … well let's just say they're all but invisible.

Followers, like dogs, can smell fear.

It is absolutely critical that you choose a path you believe in strongly in order for people to follow you. If you aren't totally secure in that belief, if there's any doubt in your voice or in your actions everyone around you will sense it.

The visible, clear mental toughness to lead in one definite direction will yield to you a real opportunity to gather followers. On the other hand, a lack of focused clarity and direction will relegate a would-be leader to the ranks of the anonymous.

A leader's reality has no welfare system.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people look to others to guide them when a simple Google search for the answer to their question can quickly put the answer in hand. True leaders don't wait for others to make a move. Leaders find a model of what they want, they figure it out, and then they make it work.

Leaders just do it because it must be done. They boldly go where they've never gone before without flinching or blinking.

We all have that spark inside us. We all learn to drive by driving. Therefore, we all possess the leadership quality of learning by doing.

Success as a leader means holding a "think REALLY big" mindset, followed by doing the necessary actions. A leader stakes full claim to accountability … they know that they are the ONLY one responsible for their future, so they do the logical actions that will bring the results they want.

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore

1 comment:

Gary McElwain said...

Hi Bill

I believe you have a blog post full of some very powerful statements about spotting the true leaders in our lifes.

"A leaders reality has no welfare system" I think that is just an awesome statement. Thanks for the energy
